Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year 2013


今天,我还在期待奇迹出现吗?我明白过去的错误 ,也在慢慢的改变我自己。然而,是否有第二个机会呢?想想,或许是 神有了时间表吧。就在新的一年里,我能做的是尽能力也更有智慧的装备好我自己,并耐心的等待那一天的到来。只有继续交托仰望 神的安排及带领。


My next door neighbour is having a major renovation to their house and my guest room gets the effect due to the water seeping through the floor. The room parquet 'stood-up' to show their progressive protest and the mold shows their design on the room wall, book cabinet and kitchen's ceiling.

Thank God, the contractor and my neighbour came over to have a look at it and agreed to repair the damage.

All this give me a headache because i have to take leave to repair my guest room and kitchen. Right now, I can't do anything because the floor is still wet. The worst part is Chinese New Year (CNY) is near the corner and i won't be able to correct it. Sigh, meaning i have to wait until CNY is over. 

 kitchen's ceiling

 guest room

 studying corner, 31 Dec 2012 

 room wall, 5 jan 2013